Manufacturing Buildings and Design Build
Design-build speeds up the construction process as well as produce a centralized communication point. More information about design-build is found here.
Manufacturing buildings are large warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for different productions or purposes.
If you are in the manufacturing business, saving money while making profits is what you set out to do. Because design-build cuts down on time and costs, it ultimately saves you money. If the building is pre-engineered, there is, even more of an opportunity to save money. PEMBs come especially in handy if the manufacturing building is a complex job. The building is planned and designed ahead of time, so there is also no extra spending.
Manufacturing Buildings
Constructing manufacturing buildings is best with steel. There are no worries about fire, termites, wood rot, shrinking, warping, or cracking. Steel maintenance is minimal and also energy efficient. Manufacturing buildings are insulated much better than wood frame buildings. Not only do steel buildings save money on construction time and cost, but they continue to do so with heating and cooling costs.
M3 Construction Solutions is able to design and construct your manufacturing buildings to save you money. Click to view samples of our work across different areas. You can see the type of foundation that is used in some of our projects, such as helical piles.
Make sure to check out our news section for more information on different types of works.
Either call us at 815-363-8493 or fill out a contact form, whichever is easier for you!